Buzzing Bees – an After School Learning Centre embarked on its journey in 2010 with the intention of instilling love of learning and igniting the spark of motivation in children. We have been consistently committed towards this goal and have been working tirelessly ever since using unique, creative methodologies and individualised one on one teaching.
Our Belief – “Every child can succeed” keeps getting stronger with every success story that sees our student passing out of the centre equipped with knowledge, faith and self-confidence.
We are strong proponents of early childhood literacy as it is the cornerstone of academic success. Our specialised Kindergarten Reading Programme caters to providing a strong academic footing early on.
Our customised after school programme for children has brought about speedy and effective results because our teachers nurture a good bond with students thus empowering students in their personal and academic journey.


An all inclusive and individualized programme that helps children EVOLVE, EMERGE and TRANSFORM by bridging Essential Learning Gaps.

A multisensory approach towards teaching literacy in English, Tamil and Hindi that uses plenty of fun tools making reading a highly enjoyable experience

Structure of Intellect (A US based Intellectual Abilities Development Programme) enhances curriculum learning abilities by measuring 90 human cognitive abilities that are the foundation for acquisition of specific academic skills

A multisensory handwriting programme that uses a wide variety of tools making writing a fun activity

This ancient and magical tool helps children do complex calculations at breathtaking speed as well as overcome the fear of numbers

A programme that helps build effective communication skills and instill confidence thereby overcoming one of the worst human fears

A Parent and Child counseling service that helps you understand your child better and take the right decision in helping him or her overcome any academic difficulty or behavioural issues

An age old tradition with innumerable benefits for kids instills virtues, creates awareness about different cultures, improves listening skills and verbal proficiency; broaden horizons and much more….
Time Tested 3 STEP Approach:
SCREENING (Formal/Informal)
IDENTIFICATION of learning gaps
IEP (Individual Education Plan)
IEP (individual education plan) is designed keeping in mind the current skill levels. Realistic short-term goals are set so that the child’s confidence grows with every successful achievement and collaborates with the overarching goal.
✓ One on One teaching
✓ Multisensory Instruction – using VAKT (visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile) technique is used to teach a lesson
✓ Play Way methods are used to make learning interesting and interactive so as not to burden the child
✓ Use of technology (reading app) for fun and effective instruction
✓ A well-stocked library
✓ Focus on development of multiple skills in every programme. (e.g. our phonics programme develops reading, comprehension language, confidence and expressive skills)
✓ Positive And encouraging Ambience
✓ FREE parent counselling sessions for enrolled student (if required)
✓ Total transparency – parents are welcome to sit in and watch the classes being taken anytime
✓ Centre open ALL 7 days
✓ Flexible timings
✓ Watch your kids become skilful readers, spellers and confident students sooner than you would have expected
NOTE: If our assessment/screening reveals other areas of development needed for the child which is beyond our scope of expertise (such as speech, gross motor skills, psychological counselling, occupational therapy etc.) the parents are informed, guided and given counselling for the same at no extra cost.
In today’s scenario with both parents being busy such programme help keep children engaged in a positive manner. At Buzzing Bees, Children can be themselves, enjoy the freedom of movement, speech and learn at their own pace in the way they want to. Children ask questions without any fear of being patronized. They develop confidence and a positive outlook towards academics and learning. The option of taking part in different hobbies keeps them interested and motivated.
We offer several intellectual development activities as mentioned in the list of programs through a structured, interactive, play way method.
The earlier the better! Early literacy is the key to a bright academic future. The earlier the child reads the better her /his school performance. Children as young as 3.5 years learn to read here.
We use one of the most trusted tools, the DST-J to screen for symptoms of Dyslexia. So we can address your question after screening. Just because your child is finding reading difficult, it does not mean that he/she has dyslexia. However, remember that prevention is better than cure. Early intervention is cheaper and results are long lasting than an intense remediation later.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder present at birth. It cannot be prevented if present in the child. With the right intervention a child can be taught to cope well thus enabling the child to gain academic success. There have been many studies that show that teaching children to read early can prevent many academic problems later on. However, Phonics instruction alone is not enough to help children read and that is why we make sure that phonemic awareness is brought about first before proceeding with phonics.
You are welcome to call us and seek an appointment with our counselor for more information and guidance.
3/5 Ramaswamy Street
Barracks Road
Chennai 600 003
+91 9042500841